Jesus Came Not to Give Bread But to Be Bread | John 6:16-40
john6b-so-rev5 Today we learn that Jesus did not come into this world to give bread but to be bread. Jesus did not come into this world to fulfill our desires for perishable things but to change our desire so that He may be our desire. Therefore, let’s examine ourselves. WhatRead More →
The Five Loaves and Two Fish | John 6:1-13
john6a_sam Christ has an amazing hope for you that is magnified all the way into eternity. He wants you to experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from participating in His work. The five loaves and two fish you may be clinging on to are one act of faith awayRead More →
Those Who Hear Will Live | John 5:16-30
john5b-so-rev3 Jesus is both the Son of God and the Son of Man. As the Son of God, he can give life. As the Son of Man, he is the judge. He gives a wonderful promise that whoever believes him has eternal life, and will not be judged; In fact,Read More →
Get Up! Pick Up Your Mat and Walk | John 5:1-15
john5a-so-rev2 Until Jesus comes again, we groan in our weakness so that we may meet him in our brokenness and receive his forgiveness and have eternal life. Today Jesus wants us to hear his voice, “Do you want to get well? Get up! Pick up your mat and walk,” soRead More →
Take Jesus at His Word | John 4:43-54
john4c-so-rev2 In this passage we learn the difference between sign-seeking faith and taking Jesus at his word faith. Jesus performs a miracle in such a way that enhances the official’s faith from “sign-seeking-faith” to “taking-Jesus-at-his-word-faith.” May God help us to curb our pride and take Jesus at his word andRead More →
23′ Fall Retreat Messages
Nov 4 “You Must Be Born Again” by M. David : john3a-m-david Nov 5 “Jesus Meets The Samaritan Woman” by Shep. Samuel: john4a-samRead More →
Jesus Changes Water into Wine | John 2:1-11
john2-so-rev3 Today’s passage is the account of Jesus’ first miraculous sign at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. This miracle demonstrates Jesus as the Creator God, and thus revealed his glory. This miracle also shows that Jesus came to this world to bless all mankind. Jesus wants us to liveRead More →
Jesus is the Lamb of God | John 1:19-51
john1b-sam Now honestly ask yourself; what are you searching for? Where does your true hope lie? Jesus, the Lamb of God, is calling you to behold Him and place all your trust in Him. As our Creator, He knows you inside and out and wants to dwell within you soRead More →
Jesus Came Down to the World to Make Us Children of God | John 1:1-18
john1a-so-rev6 “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” Here receiving Jesus means that when Jesus offers himself to you, you welcome him into your life for what he is. If he comes to youRead More →
Give Thanks in All Circumstances | 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
1th5_16-18_jacob-rev5 Our basic attitude in life is to give thanks in all circumstances. If we encounter happy events, we can rejoice, praising God. If we experience hard times when we cannot think about rejoicing, we can pray to God. For 24/7, 365 days, God wants us to connect to himRead More →
Paul Preaches the Kingdom of God in Rome (The Story that Has No End) Acts 28
acts28-so-rev5 The book of Acts is not just the story of Paul, but it is the story of the Holy Spirit. It is really about the unstoppable work of God, which no obstacle, no shipwreck, no snake-bite, and no Roman authorities could hinder from reaching the heart of the empireRead More →