YOUR GOD WILL BE MY GOD (113 downloads)

Ruth 1:1-22
Key verse 1:16 “But Ruth replied, ‘Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.’”

1. What was the historical relationship between the Israelites and the Moabites (Genesis 19:37; Deuteronomy 23:2-4)? In what sense is Naomi’s family’s moving to Moab comparable to Abraham’s moving to Egypt? (1-2; Genesis 12:10)

2. What series of tragedies struck Naomi’s family during their time in Moab? (3-5) Why might Naomi consider herself to be cursed? (20-21)

3. When Naomi wanted to return to Bethlehem, why did she encourage her daughters-in-law to return to their families? (6-13) In what way was Naomi showing love to them by doing this? (cf. Deuteronomy 25:5-6)

4. Why did Ruth decide to stay with Naomi? (14-18) What was her desire and her hope? How could she make such a decision? (cf. Joshua 2:11)

5. Why did Naomi want to be called Mara? What was her faith in spite of her disappointment? (cf. Job 1:21-22)

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