The Shrewd and the Faithful (Investing in the Kingdom) Luke 16:1-15


We can use our God-given resources like our talents, our energy and most precious of all, our time. We like to view these as all our own, but all these things are given by God to use for His glory. So, are you willing to give up your time to share the gospel with those who don’t know Christ? Do you ask God to help you find ways of serving the practical needs of those around you? Do you go out of your way to check-in on those who are sick, feeling down or struggling spiritually? And are you willing to let these people into your home, your space and into your life so they may ultimately become your friends in Christ not just for this life but for all eternity? By using our worldly wealth, we help God’s kingdom grow and advance one believer at a time, one friend at a time. Therefore, we need to be shrewd in how exactly we go about doing the Lord’s work so we can be our most effective and God is all the more glorified.


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