Prayer that Pleases God

Prayer that Pleases God (199 downloads)

Luke 11:1-13
Key Verse: 11:2 “He said to them, ‘When you pray, say: “Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.”’”

1. Why were the disciples interested in prayer? (1) What is prayer? (Think of Mary’s example in 10:39-42.)

2. What is the significance of Jesus calling God “Father”? (cf. Romans 8:15) What does it mean to hallow God’s name? (John 17:1,4) What does it mean to pray, “your kingdom come”? (See footnote.) How is this prayer topic related to Jesus’ ministry? To the disciples’ mission? (cf. 10:9)

3. Why pray for “daily” bread? (Exodus 16:21) What kind of forgiveness is Jesus talking about? Why do we need to pray about temptation? (1Corinthians 10:13)

4. What is the main point of this parable in verses 5-8? How do verses 9-10 reinforce the lesson of the parable?

5. Why is our heavenly Father pleased to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?

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