

Luke 6:1-11
Key Verse 6:5 “Then Jesus said to them, ‘The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.’”

1. Why did the Pharisees criticize Jesus’ disciples? (2) What was Jesus trying to teach in using David’s example? (3-4; Read 1 Samuel 21:1-6)


2. What does it mean that “the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath”? (5) How does Jesus teach the real meaning of the Sabbath? (cf. Mark 2:27, Matthew 11:28-29)


3. How does the Pharisees’ attitude toward the man with the shriveled hand reveal their wickedness? (7) What did Jesus do to expose their evilness? (8-9)

4. What command did Jesus give to test and build the man’s faith? (8,10) Why might this be a challenge for him? How does the Pharisees’ response show that they are old wineskins? (11)


5. Why is it significant that Jesus welcomes sinners, but rebukes the religious leaders? (cf. 5:31-32; Mark 3:5) What are some man-made rules and traditions which hinder the gospel today?

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