YOU WILL FISH FOR PEOPLE (140 downloads)

Luke 5:1-11
Key Verse 5:10b “Then Jesus said to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.’”

1. What was Jesus’ relationship with Peter up to this point? [According to John 1:42, they met one year before.] What was Peter doing while Jesus was preaching? (1-2)

2. Why did Jesus ask Peter to put a little from shore? (4) How did it help Peter?

3. After teaching the crowd, what did Jesus ask Peter to do and why might it have been a challenge for Peter? (4-5) On what basis did Peter obey Jesus? (5b)

4. What happened when Peter obeyed Jesus? (6-7) Why did Peter say, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”?

5. In what way did Jesus want Peter to use his ability for a new purpose? (10) How does Jesus call us to do the same in our own situation?

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