Who is My Neighbor?

Who is My Neighbor? (192 downloads)

Luke 10:25-37
Key Verse 10:37a “The expert in the law replied, ‘The one who had mercy on him.’”

1. What did the man’s motive in questioning Jesus? (25) How does obeying the commandments in verse 27 lead to eternal life? Is it possible to keep them?

2. What should the man’s response have been to Jesus’ answer in verse 28? What was his second question and why did he ask it? (29) What answer do you think he expected?

3. In the parable, who were the first two people to see the wounded man and what did they do? (30-32) How might they have justified themselves? (Numbers 19:11)

4. How did the Samaritan help the injured man? (33-35) How was this act highly unusual given racial tensions between Jews and Samaritans? Why do you think Jesus chose a Samaritan to be the hero of this story?

5. What was Jesus’ point in telling this parable? (36-37) Who is your neighbor? How is Jesus like the good Samaritan?

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