WHEN GOD'S LOVE IS DOUBTED (152 downloads)

Genesis 3:1-24
Key Verse 3:15 “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heal.”

1. Observe carefully the steps in the serpent’s temptation of the woman. (1,4-5) How did Satan misrepresent God and his command? How did he lead her to doubt God’s love?

2. Compare the woman’s answer in verses 2-3 to God’s command in 2:16,17. Why did she decide to believe in the serpent’s word rather than God? Think about three aspects of temptation. (6, 1 John 2:16)

3. What does it mean that their eyes were opened after eating the fruit? (7) Think about the consequences of sin. (7-8, 10-13)

4. In what way is verse 15 the early version of the gospel and plant hope in mankind?

5. How did God punish the woman and the man? (16-19) How is this related to the blessing God gave in 1:28? How does the gospel remove the curse and restore freedom and mission? (Galatians 3:13, Matthew 6:33)

6. In what other way did God show his love for fallen man? (21) Why did God drive them from the Garden? What is the significance of the tree of life? (Revelation 22:2,14,19)

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