WE ARE THE AROMA OF CHRIST (215 downloads)

2 Corinthians 2:1-17
Key Verse 2:15 “For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.”

1. In verses 1-4, how can we see Paul’s shepherd’s heart for God’s flock? (cf. Acts 20:31)

2. Why is it necessary for the Corinthian Christians to forgive and comfort the one who was disciplined? (5-11)

3. Even though God opened the door for him to preach the gospel in Troas, why did Paul go on to Macedonia? (12-13) What was Paul’s utmost concern? (cf. 7:5-7)

4. What does it mean that we are the aroma of Christ? (15) How can it be also that we are the smell of death? (16)

5. How was Paul different from so many others when he preached the word of God? (17a) What should be our attitude when we preach the gospel? (17b)

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