True Disciple of Jesus

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Mark 9:30-10:12

Key Verse 9:35 “Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve to him and said, ‘Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.’”


  1. Why did the disciples argue about who was the greatest? (32-34) What did Jesus teach about who is the greatest? (35)




  1. How did Jesus illustrate what it means to be “servant of all”? (36-37) What does it mean to welcome “little children” in Jesus’ name?




  1. Why did the disciples try to stop someone driving out demons in Jesus’ name? (38) What did Jesus teach about working together for the sake of the kingdom? (39-41)




  1. What does it mean to cause others to stumble? (42) Who are the little ones Jesus refers to? Why does Jesus take so seriously causing others to stumble?




  1. Why does Jesus suggest such drastic actions in dealing with our sins and temptations? (43-49) Why is it important to keep our saltiness? (50: cf. Matthew 5:13)

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