THIS IS THE GOSPEL (140 downloads)

Colossians 1:1-23
Key Verse 1:23

1. Who is the author of this epistle and what was his situation? (1; 4:18) How did the church at Colosse begin? (7-8; Acts 19:9b-10)

2. Why was Paul thankful for the Colossian believers? (3-4) What was the evidence that the gospel was bearing fruit in them? (4-6)

3. What was Paul’s earnest prayer for the Colossian believers? (9-12a) How has God shown his grace to us? (12b-14)

4. What does Paul assert about Jesus’ true nature and his supremacy in everything? (15-18) What does verse 19 mean? (cf. 2:9) What did Jesus accomplish through his blood? (20)

5. How did Paul describe our former condition? (21, cf. Ephesians 2:3) What does it mean to you that Christ presents you holy in God’s sight, without blemish and free from accusation? (22) What does Paul urge believers to continue doing? (23)

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