There is No One Righteous

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Romans 2:1-3:20 

Key Verse 3:10b “There is no one righteous, not even one.”

1. What is the great mistake of outwardly moral people who judges others? (1-5; cf. Matthew 7:1-6) Why does God alone have the right to judge people? (2) Why is God so patient and kind toward sinners? (4)

2. When God’s righteous judgment is revealed, what will be his just and impartial standard? (6) What is God’s judgment on those who do good and on those who do evil? (7-10) How does God judge the Jews (those who know God’s law) and the Gentiles (those who do not know God’s law) without showing favoritism? (12-16)

3. [We can think of Jews as those who are born in a Christian home today and know the Bible.] How does self-righteousness become a stumbling block to obeying God? (17-24) 

4. What is the original purpose of circumcision? (Genesis 17:11) What kind of circumcision is God looking for? (25-29; cf. Jeremiah 4:4) 

5. What is the advantage of being born into a Christian home? (3:1-2) Does our unfaithfulness to God nullify God’s faithfulness to us? (3:3-4) How do unfaithful people try to justify themselves? (3:5-8)

6.  What is Paul’s conclusion about the condition of all people? (3:9-18, 23) What is the purpose of the law? (3:19-20) 

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