John 6:41-71
Key Verses 6:68 “Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’”
1. Why were the Jews offended by Jesus’ claim? (41-42) What did Jesus teach about how God draws people to him, and how they should respond? (44-45)
2. How does Jesus contrast himself with the manna in the wilderness (47-51)? What does it mean that Jesus is the living bread?
3. What promises does Jesus give to those who eat his flesh and drink his blood (53-58)? What does it mean to eat Jesus’ flesh and drink his blood (Matthew 26:26-28)?
4. How did Jesus address his disciples’ misunderstanding of his words? (60-53) For what reasons did many disciples stop following Jesus? (64-66)
5. What clear reasons did Peter have for remaining in Jesus? (68-69) Have you come to believe and to know that Jesus is the Holy One of God?