The Parable of the Tenants

The Parable of the Tenants (159 downloads)

Matthew 21:23-46

Key Verse 21:43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.”


  1. What question did the chief priests and elders ask Jesus and why (23; cf. Matthew 21:12,15)? What was Jesus’ counter-question, and why couldn’t they answer (24-27)? Why did Jesus talk about John’s baptism?






  1. Which of the two sons did what the father asked? Who do the father and his two sons represent? (31-32) How is this parable an illustration of obeying God’s command as the way to enter the kingdom of God?





  1. Who is the owner of the vineyard and who are the tenants? (33-34; cf. Isaiah 5:1-7) Why did the tenants treat the owner’s servants violently and refuse to give any fruit? (35)






  1. Even after the mistreatment of his servants, why did the owner send his son? Why did the tenants kill the son? (38-39) What will be the ultimate consequences for the tenants? (40-41,43)






  1. Why does Jesus quote Psalm 118:22-23 here? (42) How does Jesus apply this psalm to himself and to the religious leaders? (43-46)






  1. What does being tenants in God’s vineyard tell us about who we are? What fruit can we offer to God? (cf. Matthew 3:8, 9:13)

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