
Luke 22:1-38

Key verse 22:20 “In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.’”

1. What did the Passover celebration commemorate? (1; Exodus 13:3, 7-10) What were the religious leaders doing? (2) What did Judas do and why? (3-6)

2. What instructions did Jesus give to prepare for the Passover? (7-13) Why did Jesus prepare in this way? (14-16) When will Jesus eat the Passover meal again? (16-18) 

3. What do the broken bread and the cup mean? (cf. John 6:53-56) What is the meaning of “the new covenant in my blood”? (cf. Jeremiah 31:31-34)

4. What sad and shocking prophecy did Jesus make? (21-23) What did the disciples argue about and why? (24) What did Jesus teach them about true greatness? (25-27)

5. What privilege and hope did Jesus give to his disciples? (28-30) How did Jesus pray for and help Simon Peter? (31-34)

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