Matthew 26:6-35
Key Verses 26:28 “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
- Why do you think the woman poured a very expensive perfume on Jesus? (6-13; cf. Luke 7:44-48) Why were the disciples indignant? What meaning did Jesus see in her actions?
- Why did Judas betray Jesus? (14-16) How does Judas’ action contrast with what the woman did?
- Why did the Israelites celebrate the Passover? (17; Exodus 12:11-14) What is significant about Jesus being crucified at the Passover? (2; John 1:29)
- What was Jesus offering his disciples when he gave the bread? (26; John 6:35) What did Jesus mean by “my blood of the covenant”? (28; cf. Exodus 24:8, Hebrews 8:8-12)
- Why did Jesus predict Judas’ betrayal during the meal? (21-25; cf. John 13:19) How would Jesus’ disciples fall away that very night? (31-35)
- Why do we celebrate the Lord’s supper (communion) today? (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)