Genesis 18,19
Key verse 18:19

1. How did Abraham show hospitality to the guests? (18:1-8; cf. Hebrews 13:2) What was the good news the Lord brought to Sarah? (18:10; 17:16) Why did Sarah need to hear the news directly from the Lord (18:9-15)

2. Why did the Lord decide to tell Abraham about his plan for Sodom? (18:16-21) What lesson about God should Abraham’s descendants learn from God’s dealing with Sodom? (18:19)

3. Why was Abraham so persistent in his pleas for Sodom? (18:22-33) What does this show about God’s mercy and patience in judgment?

4. Compare and contrast Lot’s hospitality to the angels with that of Abraham. (19:1-3) How did the people of Sodom treat Lot and his guests and how does Lot’s reaction to this show about his life of compromise? (19:4-11; cf. 2 Peter 2:7,8)

5. Why was it so hard for Lot to leave Sodom? (19:16) Why were Lot and his family spared? (19:29) Why did Jesus use Lot’s wife as a warning to his disciples? (19:26; cf. Luke 17:28-33)

6. How did Lot’s daughters rationalize their actions? (19:30-35) What was the tragic fruit of this family? (19:30-38) What can you learn from contrasting the faith and lives of Abraham and Lot?

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