The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like… (171 downloads)

Matthew 13:24-52

Key Verse 13:43 “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who has ears, let them hear.”

1. Why didn’t the man let his servants pull up the weeds? (29-30) What does the fact that people of the kingdom and people of the evil one coexist until the day of judgment show us about God’s patience? (37-43; 2Peter 3:9)


2. How do a mustard seed and yeast illustrate the way the kingdom of heaven grows? (31-33)


3. What do the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl teach us about what we have to give up in order to obtain the kingdom of heaven? (44-46; Matthew 16:24)


4. What does the parable of the net teach about the kingdom of heaven? (47-50) In what respect is it similar to the parable of the weeds? (30,42)


5. What do these parables teach us about the nature of the kingdom of heaven and why we should seek his kingdom? (43; Matthew 6:33)

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