The Great Light Dawns
Matthew 4:12-25
Key Verse 4:16 “the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those who living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”
1. What was the situation when Jesus began his ministry? (12,16) How did Jesus beginning his ministry in Galilee fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah? (15-16) Why was Jesus’ coming like a great light?
2. Whom did Jesus call to be his disciples? (18-22) What were they doing as he called them? What does Jesus mean when he said, “I will send you out to fish for people”?
3. What was their response? (20, 21-22) What can we learn here about what it means to be called as a disciple?
4. What was Jesus’ message? (17,23) Why is the news of the kingdom good news? (cf. Luke 4:18-19) What did Jesus do as the Messiah? What does this reveal about God who sent him?
5. What was the people’s response to Jesus’ ministry? (24-25) How wide spread was his ministry?