Acts 8:1-40
Key Verse 8:4 “Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.”
1. What happened to the church at Jerusalem after Stephen’s martyrdom? (1-3) How is this connected to Jesus’ promise in 1:8?
2. In spite of many hardships, what did the scattered believers do? (4-8) Who was Phillip and how did God bless his ministry in Samaria? (cf. 6:5; Think of racial barriers between Jews and Samaritans. cf. John 4:9.)
3. How did the apostles in Jerusalem react to the news of God’s work in Samaria? How did God bless the Samaritan believers through them? (14-17)
4. Who was Simon and what was his hidden motive? (18-25) How did Peter rebuke Simon?
5. Why did Philip leave a growing ministry in Samaria? (26-29) How did Philip help the Ethiopian eunuch to believe in Jesus? (30-40) How important is one person to God?