The Gospel Must First Be Preached To All Nations

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Mark 13:1-23
Key Verse: 13:10 “And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.”

1. What was the comment of one disciple as they left the temple? (1) How did Jesus reply and to what event or events was he referring? (2)

2. What two questions did they ask Jesus? (3-4) What were they thinking about? (cf. Matthew 24:3)

3. What two warnings does Jesus give in verses 5-8 as signs of the end of the age? (cf. Luke 21:11) Why does Jesus refer to these times of suffering as “birth pains”? What should be our view of the world and history? (cf. Luke 21:9)

4. Who will persecute Christians? (9-13) How can we turn the time of suffering into a time of opportunity? (9b-10; cf. Luke 21:13) How will the Holy Spirit help us when we face persecution? (11; cf. Luke 21:14-15)
What is Jesus’ promise? (13)

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