THE GOD OF PADDAN ARAM (II) (162 downloads )

(Jacob Builds His Wealth)


Genesis 30:25-31:55

Key Verse 31:42 “If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had not been with me, you would surely have sent me away empty-handed. But God has seen my hardship and the toil of my hands, and last night he rebuked you.”


  1. After working for Laban for 14 years, what were the terms of the new contract? (25-35) How did Laban try to take advantage of Jacob? (36)



  1. Describe Jacob’s efforts to improve the quality of his stock and increase the number of flocks and herds. (37-43) Read 31:4-12. What do Jacob’s words tell us about Laban’s treachery and about how Jacob became wealthy in spite of this?



  1. Read 31:38-42. What do Jacob’s words to Laban tell us about his life as a servant in Laban’s house? What do these verses tell us about Jacob?



  1. Why did Jacob flee Paddan Aram by deceiving Laban?(31:1-3, 13-16, 42) How did God remind Jacob of his vow at Bethel and how did he protect Jacob? (28:13-22, 31:13, 22-30)



  1. What do the events of Paddan Aram reveal about Jacob’s strengths and weaknesses? How did God keep his promises to Jacob through all these events? (31:42)

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