THE GENEALOGY OF JESUS (196 downloads )

Matthew 1:1-17

Key Verse 1:1 “A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham.”

1. What were the promises God gave to Abraham? (Genesis 12:2-3) What were the promises God gave to David? (2 Samuel 7:12-13) How did Jesus fulfill these promises? (Luke 1:32-33)



2. Who are the three women mentioned in verses 3-5? What do they have in common and how did each show courageous faith, overcoming a tragic fate? (Genesis 38:14, 25-26; Joshua 2:8-11; [Hebrews 11:31]; Ruth 1:16-17)



3. Read verses 6. Why is the mother of Solomon referred to as Uriah’s wife? (2 Samuel 12) What is the tragedy that brought the nation to an end as an independent nation? (11) Why did this happen? (2 Chronicles 36:15-21)



4. How does this genealogy reveal God’s grace and his faithfulness through the ages in spite of men’s failures? What is Matthew’s purpose in starting his gospel through the genealogy of Jesus?

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