John 6:1-15
Key Verse 6:9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”
1. What motivated the great crowd of people to follow Jesus? (1-4) When Jesus saw the large crowd, what was his attitude toward them? (5; Mark 6:34)
2. To whom was Jesus’ question directed and what was Jesus’ purpose in asking this question? (5-6)
3. How did Philip answer? What does his answer show about him? Did he understand Jesus? Did
he pass the test? (7)
4. Where have we met Andrew previously in this gospel? (John 1:40,41) In what sense was Andrew’s suggestion hilarious? (8-9) How was he different from Philip?
5. How did Jesus involve his disciples in feeding the crowd? (10-11) How did the crowd respond to the miracle and why did Jesus withdraw? (14-15)
6. What do the 12 baskets full of bread show about God’s abundant blessing? (13) What can we learn about living by faith instead of by sight?