Ex32-34q-rev.docx (58 downloads)

Exodus 32:1-33:23

Key Verses 33:13-14 “‘If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.’ The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’”


  1. What happened while Moses was on the mountain 40 days? (32:1-6; cf. 24:18) Why did the people demand an idol and why did Aaron yield? How did God express his displeasure and what did God propose to do? (32:7-10)



  1. On what basis did Moses plead with God to relent and how did God respond? (32:11-14) What does this show about God and about Moses?



  1. In his anger, what did Moses do? (32:19-20) What did Moses do in order to stop the revelry? (32:25-28) Why were the Levites set apart? (32:29)



  1. How does Moses’ pleading reveal his shepherd heart? (32:30-32) What was God’s response? (32:33-35) How did the Lord test the Israelites through his threat not to go with them? (33:1-6)



  1. How and why did Moses meet with the Lord outside the camp? (33:7-11) Why did Moses insist so strongly on the Lord’s Presence being with Israel? (33:12-14) Why aren’t material blessings of conquering the Promised Land enough for Moses? (33:15-17)



  1. Why did Moses want to see the Lord? (33:18) How would the Lord show himself to Moses? (33:19-23; 34:5-7) How does knowing and seeking God help us to overcome the sin of idolatry?

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