Acts 7:1-60
Key Verse 7:59 “While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’”
1. How is Stephen described? (See 6:3,5,8,10,15) Why was Stephen on trial? (6:13-14)
2. Look at verses 2-16. Review God’s promise to Abraham and how God fulfilled it through the life of the patriarchs.
3. Look at verses 17-34. Review how God prepared and trained Moses in delivering his people from the slavery in Egypt.
4. Look at verses 35-43. How is the Israelites’ rejection of God reflected in their rejection of Moses? How did the Israelites continue to reject God through their idol worship?
5. How did Stephen rebuke the religious leaders for being just like their ancestors? (51-53) When he was
being stoned, how did he pray and testify to Jesus? (54-60)