Luke 9:46-62
Key Verse 9:62 “Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’”
1. Why did the disciples argue about who is the greatest? (46) How did Jesus connect welcoming a little child to true greatness? (47-48) What does it mean that the least shall be the greatest? (48; cf. Matthew 18:4)
2. Why did John want to stop a man from driving out demons in Jesus’ name? (49) How did Jesus respond? (50)
3. Why was Jesus resolute in setting out for Jerusalem? (51; cf. 9:22) How did James and John respond to the Samaritans’ rejection? (53-54; cf. John 4:9) Why did Jesus rebuke them? (55)
4. In verse 58, what did Jesus teach about the reality of following Jesus?
5. In verses 59-62, how did Jesus teach the disciple candidates about proclaiming the kingdom of God as the top priority? What can we learn about the cost of being a disciple of Jesus? What is the reward of following Jesus? (cf. Mark 10:29-30)
6. How does this passage illustrate the kind of attitude a disciple of Jesus should have?