SEE, YOUR KING IS COMING (101 downloads)

John 12:1-19

Key Verses 12:14-15 “Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written:  ‘Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.’”


1. What did this particular Passover mean to Jesus (1; 1:29)? What did Mary’s extravagant action reveal about who Jesus was to her (3)?  






2. How did Judas’ reaction reveal his true colors (4-6)? In defending Mary, how did Jesus give significance to her act (7-8; Mark 14:6-9)?






3. The next day, how did the great crowd welcome Jesus on his way to Jerusalem (12-13)? Why did they quote Psalm 118:25-26 at that moment? How did they understand who Jesus is and what was their expectation of him?







4. How did Jesus fulfill Scripture (14-15; Zechariah 9:9-10)? What does this teach about Jesus’ character and the nature of his kingdom? How does this contrast with the worldly concept of a king and his kingdom?







5. What does it mean to us practically that Jesus is the humble King?

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