SEE, YOUR KING COMES TO YOU (133 downloads)

Matthew 21:1-22
Key Verse: 21:5

1. What was Jesus anticipating in Jerusalem? (20:17-19) Why did Jesus have his disciples make special preparations for his entry into Jerusalem? (See Zechariah 9:9-10)



2. What does the prophecy of Zechariah teach us about the nature of Jesus’ kingship? What did the crowd shout and why? (9; Psalm 118:25-26) What can we learn about Jesus through this event?



3. Why did Jesus cleanse the temple of those who were buying and selling there? (12-13) How did Jesus serve the weak and vulnerable people who came to him at the temple? (14-16)



4. Why did Jesus curse the fruitless fig tree? (18-19) In what way is the fig tree a parable of the temple and the religious leaders?



5. How did Jesus use the withered fig tree to teach his disciples about the power of faith and prayer? (20-22)



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