1thes5q.docx (102 downloads)

1 Thessalonians 5:12-28
Key Verse 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

1. What specific instructions did Paul give to all of the Thessalonian believers in order to build a healthy Christian community? (12-15; cf. 4:9-10)

2. What positive commands are given to each believer? (16-18) How do the words “always,” “continually,” and “in all circumstances” encourage and challenge us to practice these commands? (cf. Acts 16:25)

3. What hinders us from rejoicing always and being thankful in all circumstances? (cf. Philippians 4:12-13)

4. What does it mean to be sanctified? (cf. Romans 8:29) How is sanctification related to rejoicing, praying and giving thanks? How does the promise of Jesus’ second coming enable us to be rejoiceful, prayerful and thankful?

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