PUT THIS MONEY TO WORK (148 downloads )

Luke 19:11-27
Key Verse 19:13 “So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. ‘Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back.’”

1. What did it mean to many people that Jesus was near Jerusalem? (11) What did it mean to Jesus? Why did he tell the parable?

2. Why did the man of noble birth leave? (12-13) What instructions did he give his servants?

3. When he returned home, why did the master summon the servants? (15) How did the master reward the first two servants? (16-19)

4. What excuse did the third servant give for not doing anything with the mina he had received? (20-23) Why did the master call him wicked?

5. Why did the master take away the mina of the third servant and gave it to the first servant? (24-26) What was done to those who rejected the rule of the king? (14,27)

6. Who do the master, servants, and mina represent? What does Jesus expect of us while waiting for his return?

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