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Mark 2:18-3:12

Key Verse 2:22 “And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”


  1. What is the purpose of fasting? (18-20; cf. Esther 4:16) In what sense is Christian life like a wedding banquet? (cf. Matthew 22:1-2) What did Jesus teach about when we should fast? (20)





  1. How is a disciple of Jesus like new wine and a new patch? How are the Pharisees like old wineskins? What does Jesus teach here?





  1. Why did the Pharisees criticize Jesus’ disciples? (23-24) How did Jesus defend his disciples using David’s example? (25-26) What does it mean that the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath? (27)





  1. Why were the Pharisees watching Jesus closely on the Sabbath? (3:1-2) How did the man with a shriveled hand show his faith in Jesus? (3:3,5b)





  1. How did Jesus expose the wickedness of the Pharisees? (3;4; cf Matthew 12:11-12) How does Jesus’ teaching illustrate the value God places on human life more than observing “rule”? Why was Jesus angry and distressed? (3:5)





  1. How are Jesus’ teaching about him being Lord of the Sabbath and his teaching about new wine into new wineskins related? How did the people respond to Jesus’ new teaching? (3:7-12)

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