Men Who Turned the World Upside Down
Acts 17:1-34
Key Verse 17:6 “But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some other believers before the city officials, shouting: ‘These men who have caused trouble all over the world have now come here.’”
1. What was the main point of Paul’s teaching in Thessalonica? (1-3) What was the result? (4)
2. After initial success, why were the Jews jealous? (5) What did they accuse the apostles of? (6-7) In what way were they both right and wrong?
3. What does it mean that the Bereans were of “more noble character”? (11) What can we learn from their example? Who tried to hinder their ministry? (13-14)
4. Why was Paul in Athens alone (15) and why was he distressed by the atmosphere of Athens? (16) Where and what did he preach? (17)
5. About what did the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers debate with Paul? (18-21) What were the main points of Paul’s sermon in the Areopagus? (22-31)
6. What point stirred up the most controversy? (31) What can we learn from Paul in this passage about tailoring his message to different groups of people?