MADE RICH TO BE GENEROUS (216 downloads)

2 Corinthians 8:16-9:15
Key Verse 9:11 “You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”

1. What did Paul do to administer the offering in a right way before God and before men? (16-24) What kind of people were chosen as offering servants? (17-18; 22-23)

2. How had the Corinthians first responded to Paul’s suggestion to make a relief offering for the Jerusalem church? (9:1-2) How did this encourage the Macedonians? (3-5)

3. What principle in giving did Paul urge them to remember? (6) What kind of giving is pleasing to God? (7)

4. What promise is given to those who give generously? (8-11; Malachi 3:10) How can we be generous on every occasion? (11)

5. What impact does their generous offering have on the larger Christian community? (12-14)

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