Live in Undivided Devotion to the Lord

1cor7q.docx (100 downloads)

1 Corinthians 7:1-16, 25–40

Key Verse 7:35 “I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.”


1. What had the Corinthians written Paul previously, and why would they be thinking such a thing? (1) How does Paul answer, and why is abstinence within marriage wrong? (2–6) What gifts does Paul mention, and how would this help? (7; cf. Matthew 19:11-12)



2. What does Paul say to widowers and widows? (8-9) What advice did Paul give to the married and why was this the Lord’s “command”? (10-11; cf. Matthew 19:6)



3. What instruction does Paul give to believers who are already married to an unbeliever? (12-15) What blessing can an unbeliever receive when married to a believing spouse? (14) However, what concerns does Paul raise regarding such a marriage? (16)



4. What advice did Paul give to virgins (both men and women), and what motivated his advice? (25–28) What attitude toward human affairs was Paul teaching? (29-31) On what basis did he give this advice? (29; cf. Romans 13:11–14)




5. How might our interests become divided, and what should be our primary concern? (32–35) What advice does Paul give to engaged people? (36–38) To widows? (39–40)




6. In this passage, what is Paul’s desire for us, whether married or unmarried? How are both singleness and marriage gifts from God?


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