Live Before Your Father God


Live Before Your Father God

Matthew 6:1-8;16-18

Key Verse 6:4b “Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”


1. What are acts of righteousness and why do we do them? (2,5,16) What two kinds of rewards are mentioned in this passage? (2,4)

2. What is the purpose of giving in Christian life? (Acts 20:35) What does Jesus teach us about our attitude when giving? (3-4; 2 Corinthians 9:7, Luke 21:1-4) What reward does our Father give to those who give in secret? (Matthew 25:34-40)

3. What is the purpose of prayer? (Matthew 7:7-8; James 4:2-3) If God already knows what we need, why should we even pray? (8)

4. What does Jesus teach us about how to pray? (5,7) Think of Daniel’s example? (Daniel 6:10) What is Jesus’ warning against lengthy and unclear prayers? (7; “babbling” means “saying empty and repetitive phrases.”)

5. What is the purpose of fasting? (Matthew 9:15) What kind of attitude should we have while fasting? (16-18)

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