JESUS, THE HORN OF SALVATION (The Song of Zechariah)


Luke 1:57-80
Key Verse 1:69 “He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David.”

1. How did Zechariah and Elizabeth show their faith in naming their son? (57-66)

2. What does “he has come and has redeemed his people” mean? (68)

3. What does “horn” mean? (See 2 Samuel 22:3; Daniel 7:21; Rev 12:3,9. What two kinds of horns do you find in these verses?)

4. From what does the horn of salvation save us? (71,74) Who is our enemy? Why do we need to trust in the horn of salvation? (74,75)

5. What was the mission of Zechariah’s son? (76)

6. How does God show his tender mercy to those living in darkness? (77-79) What does it mean practically that Jesus is the Rising Sun? (cf. John 8:12b)

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