John 13:1-17
Key Verse 13:14 “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.”
1. Why is it significant that Jesus loved his disciples to the end even in the face of his trial and crucifixion? (1; The 1984 NIV says, “He showed them the full extent of his love.”)
2. What did Jesus do to demonstrate his love? (3-5) Why was this a shock to his disciples?
3. Why did Peter refuse to have his feet washed by Jesus? (6) Why did Jesus insist that he wash Peter’s feet? (7-8)
4. Why must one accept the grace of Jesus in order to have a love relationship with him? (9) What does verse 10 mean? (cf. John 15:3)
5. How did Jesus explain the meaning of what he had done? (12-17) What does it mean to wash one another’s feet? Why is it essential for building a love relationship with one another?