

Luke 6:12-26

Key Verse: 6:13 “When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles.”


1. Why might Jesus have chosen twelve of his disciples and designated them apostles? (13) Why is it significant that Jesus spent the night in prayer before choosing 12 apostles? (12)

2. What do you know about each of the 12 disciples? (14-16) Why might Jesus choose such a diverse group? 

3. How did Jesus minister to those who came from all over the region? (17-19) How does this event illustrate the need for apostles? (cf, Matthew 9:36-38)

4. According to Jesus’ words, who are the blessed? Why are they blessed? (20-23)

5. According to Jesus’ words, for whom are woes reserved? How is this different from the world’s view?

Why is it important for us to accept his teaching about blessings and woes? (24-26)

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