Jesus Calls Simon to Fish for People

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Luke 5:1-11
Key Verse 5:10b “Then Jesus said to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.’”

1. Why did the crowd come to Jesus early in the morning? (1) Why did Jesus teach the word of God instead of healing them? (4:43)

2. Simon Peter has been following Jesus for a year on and off according to John’s gospel. (John 1:42) What does the fact that Simon went back to fishing show about him? Why did Jesus ask Simon to borrow his boat? (2-3)

3. After teaching the crowd, why did Jesus tell Simon to put out into deep water? (4) Why did Simon obey Jesus despite his recent failure? (5)

4. When Simon saw the great catch of fish, why did he respond in the way he did? (8; cf. Isaiah 6:5) What new life direction did Jesus give Simon? (10b) What does “from now on you will fish for people” mean?

5. How could Simon Peter and his companions leave everything to follow Jesus? What is Jesus’ purpose in calling us? (cf. Matthew 28:19-20)

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