Genesis 25:19-34
Key Verse 25:23 “The Lord said to her, ‘Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.’”
- What was the problem in Isaac’s family? (21) How was Isaac’s way of dealing with this problem different from the way Abraham had dealt with a similar problem? For how long did they pray for children (26b)?
- When Rebekah experienced discomfort in her pregnancy, what did she do? (22) What can you learn from the faith and prayer lives of Isaac and Rebekah?
- What was God’s revelation to her? (23) What did this revelation mean to the long-term future of Jacob and Esau?
- How were Jacob and Esau different from one another at birth? (24-26)How were they different as they grew up? (27-28) Why did Isaac and Rebekah differ in their view of the boys? (28)
- What is the birthright? (31; cf. Genesis 22:18) How did Jacob obtain the birthright? (29-34)
- What does it mean that Esau despised his birthright? (34, cf. Hebrews 12:16, Genesis 27:36) In what respect is Jacob more fitted to be the covenant son than Esau? (cf. Romans 9:10-13)