Acts 3:1-26
Key Verse 3:6 “Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.’”
1. What was the condition of the beggar at the temple gate? (2-3) What did Peter give to this man? (4-6) What was the dramatic change in the man’s life? (7-8)
2. How did the crowd respond to the miracle? (9-10) How did Peter turn this into an opportunity to preach Jesus? (11-12)
3. What is the contrast between the way the Israelites treated Jesus and how God treated Jesus? (13-15) What does it mean to have faith in the name of Jesus? (16; cf. Mark 16:17b)
4. How had the Israelites acted in ignorance and how did God fulfill what he had promised? (17-18) What did Peter charge his audience to do and with what promise? (19-20)
5. How did God foretell the coming of the Messiah through his prophets? (21-26) What should we do to receive healing and forgiveness? (cf. Acts 2:21)