In Christ All Will be Made Alive


1 Corinthians 15:12-34
Key Verse 15:22 “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”

1. What might some people say that there is no bodily resurrection of the dead even if they believe in life
after death? (12)

2. What would be the consequences if there would be no resurrection of the dead: (a) for our faith? (14,17) (b) for our hope in Christ (18,19). We are taught that Jesus died for our sins. So what does Paul mean, “You are still in your sins”? (17)

3. How is Jesus’ resurrection described as the “firstfruits”? (21-22, Romans 5:19) When will this bodily resurrection of the dead happen? (23)

4. In what respect is death the ultimate enemy? Think about how death controls our actions and thoughts. (26; Hebrews 2:15)

5. How did Paul and his company live with resurrection faith? (30-32, Luke 9:23) What would be our philosophy and lifestyle if we didn’t have resurrection faith? (32b) How can we apply Paul’s warning in our own generation? (33-34)

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