He Has Risen!

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Mark 16:1-20
Key Verse 16:6 “‘Don’t be alarmed,’ he said. ‘You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.”

1. Who were the women who brought spices to the tomb? (1-2) What reveals their love for Jesus? What amazed and alarmed the women? (4-5)

2. What good news did the angel tell them? (6) In what respect is this news the central point of the Bible? (Acts 2:23-24; Romans 1:4)

3. What mission did the angel give the women? (7) Why did the angel mention Peter specifically? What promise had they forgotten? (8; Mark 14:28; 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34)

4. Who brought the good news to the disciples and how did they respond? (8-13) Why did Jesus rebuke them? (14)

5. What command did Jesus give the doubting disciples? (15) What can we learn here about Jesus’ faith in his disciples?

6. What did Jesus teach them about the power of the gospel? (16) What promise did Jesus give to those who believe? (17-18) How did Jesus work with them even after his ascension? (19-20)

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