Ex7-11q-rev.docx (93 downloads )

Exodus 6:28-11:10

Key Verses 7:4b-5 “Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and with mighty acts of judgment I will bring out my divisions, my people the Israelites. And the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring the Israelites out of it.”


  1. What did the Lord seek to accomplish through these mighty acts of judgment? (7:4-5) What was the first miracle God performed before Pharaoh? (7:8-13) Why did Pharaoh harden his heart?



  1. List the ten plagues with which the Lord struck the land of Egypt. What was the Lord’s demand of Pharaoh before sending each one?



  1. After which plague did Pharaoh begin to ask for relief from Moses and Aaron? (8:8, 9:28, 10:16) What was his promise each time he made such a request? Why wasn’t he faithful to his promises?



  1. Starting with which plague were Pharaoh’s magicians unable to reproduce the wonders the Lord performed? (8:18) Starting with which plague did the Lord begin to make a distinction between the Egyptians and the Israelites? (8:22, 9:4)



  1. In spite of the fact that Pharaoh confessed his sin, why did his heart remain hardened? (9:27, 10:16) What was the purpose of God hardening Pharaoh’s heart? (9:16)



  1. How did Pharaoh tempt Moses to compromise in his request? (8:25, 10:11, 10:24) Why is it important not to compromise with sin?



  1. What was the final plague on Egypt? (11:4-5) What did God’s mighty acts of judgment teach about the cost of freedom? About God’s power and love?

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