GOD’S CALL TO ABRAM (143 downloads)


Genesis 12:1-13:4 (11:10-32)
Key verse 12:2 “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great and
you will be a blessing.”

1. Describe Abram’s family’s trek and their situation. (11:27-32; Acts 7:2-4; Joshua 24:2,3)




2. What did God command Abram to do? (12:1) Think of difficulties in him following God’s command.



3. What does it mean that God will make him into a great nation? (2) What does it mean that “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you”? (3) In what way do these promises extend to us? (cf. Galatians 3:14)




4. How did Abram show his faith in God’s promises? (4; Hebrews 11:8) What is the meaning of his building altars in the land of Canaan? (6-9)




5. How is Abram’s motive in going to Egypt different from that of going to Canaan? (10) Describe his life in Egypt due to his compromise. (10-16)




6. How did God protect Abram’s family? (17-20) How did Abram show his repentance? (13:1-4)

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