GOD TESTS ABRAHAM (135 downloads )
Genesis 22:1-19
Key Verse22:18“And through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.”
- How did God test Abraham and why? (1-2) How did Abraham respond to God’s command? (3-4)
- From his instruction to the servants and his answer to Isaac’s question, what can we learn about Abraham’s faith in God? (5-8; Hebrews 11:17-19)
- What does it mean that Abraham feared God? (12) What did he call that place and why? (14) What lesson of faith did Abraham and Isaac learn through this event?
- What does it mean that the Lord swore by himself? (16; Hebrews 6:13-17) In what respects was God’s blessing similar to and how was it different from the earlier covenant promises? (17-18)
- How is this scene a preview of what Jesus would do on the cross? Think about Abraham’s love for God in sacrificing his only son and God’s love for us in sacrificing his only Son. (cf. Romans 8:32)