Ex5-6q-rev.docx (102 downloads )
Exodus 5:1-6:12
Key verse 6:6 “Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.”
- What message from the Lord did Moses and Aaron deliver to Pharaoh? (1) What was Pharaoh’s response? (2-5) What does this show about him and what does it show about the Israelites’ life under his rule?
- How did Pharaoh make the lives of the Israelites worse? (6-9) What were the Israelites forced to do? (10-14) How did Pharaoh respond to the complaints of the Israelite overseers? (15-18)
- Who did the Israelites blame for their troubles? (20-21) How did their complaints show their lack of faith in God’s promises? (4:31) What was Moses’ plea to the Lord? (22-23)
- How did God reassure Moses? (6:1-5) How did God remind Moses of who He is? (6:2-3; cf. 3:14-15) Why is it important that God keeps his promises?
- What does “redeem” mean and what was the cost? (6:6) What was God’s purpose of redeeming them? (6:7-8) How did God redeem us through Jesus Christ? (cf. Galatians 3:13-14)
- Why wouldn’t the Israelites listen to Moses? (6:9) How do they represent all people living under the power of sin? Why was Moses discouraged? (6:10-12)