Genesis 27:1-28:22
Key Verse 28:20 “Then Jacob made a vow saying, ‘If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear.’”
- What did Isaac ask Esau to do for him before he died? (1-4) In response, what did Rebekah tell Jacob to do and why? (5-17)
- How did Jacob take advantage of his father’s blindness and deceive him? (18-27a) What was the blessing Isaac gave Jacob? (27b-29) Was this the covenant blessing?
- What was Esau’s reaction when he learned that his father had blessed Jacob? (30-38) Even though he was deceived, why did Isaac not revoke his blessing upon Jacob? (33) Why and how did Rebekah persuade Isaac to send Jacob to Paddan Aram? (41-46)
- What instructions and blessing did Isaac give Jacob? (28:1-4) What do Esau’s actions show about him? (6-9)
- How difficult was Jacob’s situation? (10-11) How did God reveal himself to Jacob and what promise did God give him? (12-18)
- What does Jacob’s vow show about his anxieties? (20-21) On what condition did he decide to give God a tenth? (22) How does Jacob’s referring to God change from verses 20-21 to verse 22? Why is this significant?