Ex3-4q-rev.docx (63 downloads)
Exodus 3:1-17, 4:1-17
Key Verses 3:10-12a “‘So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.’ But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?’ And God said, ‘I will be with you.’”
- Where and how did God reveal himself to Moses? (3:1-5) What does it mean that this was “holy ground”?
- How did God introduce himself? (3:6,14)How do these names reveal God’s eternal nature and historical person?
- Why was the Lord concerned about the Israelites? (3:7-10) What had he promised them? (cf. Genesis 15:16) What was he sending Moses to do?
- After hearing God’s holy mission for him, why was Moses reluctant to accept it? (3:11,13) What was God’s promise and instructions to Moses? (3:12, 16-22)
- What was Moses’ other concern? (4:1; cf. Exodus 2:14) What miraculous signs did God give Moses to perform in Egypt to help Israel believe that God had sent him? (4:2-9)
- Why did Moses ask God to send someone else to carry out this mission? (4:10,13) How did God rebuke him and help him to overcome his lack of confidence? (4:12-17)
- What was the people’s response when Aaron and Moses spoke to them? (4:27-31) Why does God call Moses in spite of his reluctance and shortcomings? How is this an encouragement to us?